Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Baby is off to....

school! Yes, there were tears on this mama's part! I am so thankful I have been able to be home with Avery these five precious years. They have gone by fast!! Now we are beginning a new phase of life. He is definitely ready. He is starting to get bored and he loves to learn. When he woke up this morning and said hi mommy. I spoke to him and told him, today he was to start school. He said: "It's to early!" Then right before it was time to go, I was brushing his teeth and he lost his second tooth! I will post pictures of him later, they need to be downloaded first.


Noah and Heather said...

I told Michaela that Avery started school today. She replied, "But I want to start school too when I am at Grammy and Papa's, with Avery." Maybe someday they will get to go to school together.
Can't wait to see pictures. I am sure he was so cute!

Mark, Gretchen and Kendrick said...

I am SOOOOOO glad I have 3 more years before Kendrick starts school. Wish I could figure out a way to make time slow down though. Can't wait to see pictures!!

Tanjala said...

I remember when my "baby" started school. I tried sooo hard not to cry. One of the other parents tried to talk to me but I was at the point that if I opened my mouth all the crying would just come flooding out so I didn't answer and I'm sure he thought I was deaf or something. Time sure does fly. That was about 8yrs ago.

Life with the Crowls said...

my baby started school Sept 2 at bird lake. there were tears shed and not on his part.